Summer Greetings! 

June was a month filled with beauty and celebration. We kicked off Pride Month with a special Pride Service Liturgy on June 2, and I had the joy of teaming up with Equality Downers Grove to paint windows on Main Street. I'm also coordinating with Mosaic Players for a special presentation in October to celebrate National Coming Out Day.

While I was away for the last two weeks of June, Pastor Joyce and Pastor Immanuel brought their diverse voices to our pulpit, further enriching our RIC journey. And as I prepare to head to the ELCA’s National Youth Gathering as part of the Interactive Learning team, I am grateful to have them returning to the pulpit!  At the Youth Gathering, I will be working on art projects with kids from across the United States serving alongside them and gaining insights into what is important to youth and young adults. 

This June has been a month of preparation and special events. South Loop Community Table (SLCT) hosted its final spring meal, where we celebrated the baptism of two children from our community. Synod Assembly and Son’s Sunday were also significant highlights. Additionally, I had the honor of conducting the funeral for Otto Vosahlik, reflecting our commitment to community care.

Just yesterday, the Evangelism Committee led the church to our return appearance in the Darien 4th of July Parade which was a great success. We passed out much desired glow sticks to 2000 kids, young adults, and even adults wanted one! We ran out about one third of the way through the parade!  Thanks to everyone who helped attach labels to the glow sticks with our name and address as well as the Bible verse Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine before others!” 

I have been working closely with the Property Committed preparing for a special Congregational Meeting. We will present our plan to transform the old nursery into a much-needed gathering space. I look forward to seeing you there this Sunday! 


Pastor Adam