South Loop Community Table (SLCT) is a weekly dinner party for those experiencing homelessness, hosted by Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Darien.


SLCT is a space that strives to break down barriers that society has created — barriers that tell us who should and shouldn’t build community together. It is a space made of folks that believe wholeheartedly in the power of community—of seeing people for all of who they are, no matter their situation. SLCT is a celebration of God’s kin-dom, a living example of how God intended the world to be: inclusive, communal, loving, and just.

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How to Get Involved

What: South Loop Community Table is a weekly dinner party with people experiencing housing and/or food insecurity.


When: Volunteers should arrive between 5:45 and 6:15pm on Sunday evenings. Doors are at 6:45pm and clean-up usually takes until 8:30 or 9pm.


WhereSLCT is hosted at 2nd Presbyterian Church of Chicago, located at 1936 South Michigan Avenue. There is a parking lot where you are free to park, and the volunteer entrance is through the door adjacent to the parking lot.


How: All you need to prepare is to sign-up here, and let us know when you're coming here. We have a short orientation when you arrive onsite. 


Let Us Know You Are Coming Waiver
SLCT Partner
SLCT Partner
ReVive Center for Housing
SLCT Partner