Finance: Lord of Life Financial Status Narrative: 06/30/23 June donations were weak. The $12,241 total is the fifth lowest June in the last ten years, exceeding a very weak 2022 ($10,538) by $1,703 and a very weak 2021 ($11,086) by $1,155. June expenses ($18,133) were higher than 2022 by $950 and higher than 2021 by $3,087. June operations generated a $5,892 deficit. The year-to-date deficit increased to $27,589, the second highest at the end of six months in the last ten years. At the end of six months, 50.00% of the year, 47.4% of the budget was spent. Most categories that exceeded 47.4% were highly seasonal. However, it should be noted that in prior years the percent expended has been several percent lower than the completed portion of the year.
Donations through June recorded in Shepherd Staff agree in total and by fund with the financial records. No pass-through funds are overdrawn. Ten on-line donations totaling $692.90 were received by the last counters report date (06/26/23). There was one Thrivent donation for $14 (YTD there has been 2 Thrivent donations totaling $550). In addition, an 11 Million Acres Solar Credit for $122.11 was directly deposited.
The balance sheet remains strong. There is no long-term debt. Total assets have decreased by $22,940 since 12/31/22. The decrease is due to the operational deficit.
James T. Kelly
Hospitality: Hospitality was happy to arrange Laverne’s 98th Birthday celebration.
Marilynn reached out for Angel, the comfort dog that attended. Thanks to all who stayed
and celebrated with Laverne.
LCW: June we hosted the Son’s reception; nothing scheduled in July or in August.
Property: The following are the activities of the property committee since the last
council meeting:
1. Bathroom renovations expected to begin early August.
2. The plastic benches were installed and dedicated
3. Painting sanctuary walls complete
4. Pergola project and bench restoration is now complete. Great job by scouts!
5. Stones around Todd’s garden are fastened together.
6. Continued securing materials for bathroom remodel
7. Comcast Internet and phone service working
8. Worked on internal and external items on previous list.
9. Added two handicap parking places on West side.