- Marilynn and Aimee attended the assembly and will provide a summary in the newsletter
- Darien Fest – As far as we know it’s not happening. Nothing that we know of yet.
- Crisis in Ukraine donation will be extended another month.
- Judy will coordinate a collection of bags to be donated to Trex for building of a bench for the playground.
- Election day LoL will provide water and snacks
- The property committee is in the process of purchasing the new water cooler
- Darien Chamber of Commerce Event – Doing an event at Chucks. Pastor would not be in attendance, but Stacie and Aimee volunteered to attend.
Council Recognitions for the Month -
- Bobbie would like to recognize Arlene for helping with Mulch and recycling, cleaning the kitchen. She does a lot of silent good deeds that people don’t know about. Want to recognize all the good things she does for the church. Bobbie will write the article.
- Aimee and Marilynn for going to the Synod Assembly. Stacie to write.
- Judy on memorial day for the flags and the bulletin board, watering the plants. Bobbie will write.