Council Highlights February 2022
- Introduction of new Members Jan Treibachs and Judy Padera for 2022
- Election of Officers and selection of committee liaisons
President - Sherry Sejnost
Vice President - Arlene Danielson
Secretary – Stacie Plzak
Jim Kelly will volunteer to be treasure again
- LoL will receive a new AV Desk for the media used during church services. Pastor Adam to work out arrangements to pick up the desk and set up at LoL.
- Final arrangements made for Pastor Adams installation.
- Judy made new bags for visitors. Brochures included in the bags will be updated.
- Planning of Lent Services began.
- Easter Baskets - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel won’t be doing Easter food baskets any longer. They will only be asking for gift cards and regular donated items such as non-perishable food items, dish soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, dog food, which can go into the shopping cart. Fish will be asking for food – Bobbie to contact them to confirm what is needed. Gods Work Our Hands for April will be donations to both Mt. Carmel and Fish.
- Property Update - Bob Zangorra has joined the committee
- Finance - January donations were the lowest January in the last twenty-five years. The deficit is also the highest at the end of one month in the last twenty-five years. The balance sheet remains strong. There is no long-term debt.