What time is worship? We worship at 10:00am on Sundays.
May I receive Holy Communion? All baptized Christians who believe that Christ’s body and blood are truly present in the bread and wine are invited to receive Holy Communion. Children who have not yet received first-communion instruction are invited to come to the altar to receive a blessing. Both wine and grape juice are offered, and gluten/allergen-free wafers are available upon request.
How do I become a member? You don’t have to be a member to worship or take part in activities at Lord of Life. (You don’t even have to be Lutheran!) If you’re new to the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and decide that you would like to become a member, please speak with the pastor or call the church office at 630-323-3161 for more information. Whatever your background, we welcome you to Lord of Life and look forward to sharing our faith, our ministry, and our fellowship events with you.
How do I arrange a baptism? Please call the church office at 630-323-3161. At Lord of Life, we are happy to baptize infants, children, and adults whether or not they are currently members of the congregation. We will work with you to arrange a Sunday morning for the baptism and a preparation meeting with the pastor.
How do I arrange a wedding? Please call the church office at 630-323-3161 to find out if the church is available for your planned wedding date. Please work with us as far ahead of time as possible so that we can conduct the planning and pre-marriage counselling at your convenience.
How do I arrange a funeral? Please call the church office at 630-323-3161.
Can I enroll my child in Sunday School or confirmation classes? We welcome your children into our Christian education programs. Please call the church office at 630-323-3161 for more information.
Can I meet with the pastor? Yes! Please call the church office at 630-323-3161 or email the pastor at lolpastoradam@gmail.com to talk with the pastor and arrange a time to meet. We have a variety of types of assistance and referrals available.
Can you take prayer requests? We pray for anyone with special needs, regardless of whether or not they are a member of our congregation. If you have a special prayer request, please email the pastor at lolpastoradam@gmail.com or contact the church office at 630-323-3161 so that we can add your prayer concern to our list.